Ghost Peloton delivers a mesmeric performance for the Tour de France 

NVA's Ghost Peloton. Photo: Joby Catto

Ghost Peloton played to capacity audiences on the 16 & 17 May in Waides Yard, Leeds. The 40 strong peloton gathered as daylight faded and were watched from grandstands on three sides of the specially prepared arena.

A complex cycling choreography commenced with stunning intersecting patterns flowing at fluctuating speeds. A beautiful electronic score by Frame Missing (available HERE for download) intensified the  mesmeric quality of the movement with lighting control and live video mixing separating the riders and the bike wheels across the entire peloton.

NVA and Phoenix Dance Theatre extend a huge thank you to all our cyclists, dancers, cycle leaders and volunteers who put in considerable hours of rehearsal, effort and concentration creating a highlight for Yorkshire Festival and the Grand Depart. Mark Huskisson’s film of the Ghost Peloton on the actual race route will be launched for the start of the Tour de France on the 5th July.

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